This lockdown's got everyone crazy
There's no common sense
We're not to spend time with our family
Can't see the people we trust the most
But don't worry you can get the trades in
Get those pipes sorted
Fix that boiler, sorts those doors
And don't forget those wobbly floors
I don't know you from Adam
I don't know where you've been
But come into my house
I'm sure you're clean.
I miss seeing my family
Holding them close
Having a cup of tea
And being a host.
This lockdown's got everyone crazy
Breaking the rules.
But the rules make no sense.
So what have we to lose?
The NHS is there for us
The keyworkers keep things smooth
The vulnerable are shielding
And we're on the loose.
Everyone's going crazy
People breaking the rules.
The rules make no sense so what are we to do?
Stay home and go mad?
Go out and breathe.
Take in that fresh air
Just stay aware
Stay safe, stay alert
It's all we've heard
But for much longer?
Is the cry so often heard.
Something has to change
It's crazy out there.
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