Years ago I used to go to a well known fat club. One particular day after another disastrous week and yet another gain I broke into tears. Yeah yeah I hear you. I was one of "those" people. The ones who sob because they ate a giant kebab and chips with extra garlic sauce the day before weigh in and then freaked out because they'd gained half a pound. Except I wasn't. I had my ups and downs but generally didn't put too much pressure on myself. I had a great social life and if I gained weight that was ok because I'd enjoyed myself and would pull it back the next week. Ilost a great amount slowly and steadily. The reason I got so upset this particular time was because my consultant asked me to tell her what my reason for being there was. For my child of course. The child I didn't have. The one I didn't know if would have. The one I desperately wanted. The one I wanted to chase around the playground. The one I wanted to j...
Mum, civil servant, textile craft enthusiast.