I absolutely love it when your plans are changed in the blink of an eye into something you wouldn't ordinarily do but which turn out to be even better. Today's plan was to drop D off at work, go buy a raincoat for O and head home. Very simple and not very exciting, but a plan that I actually felt a bit stressed out about. As I wandered around that large well known chain for baby and children clothes and supplies I heard a voice talking to me (not in my head, I hasten to add), and without even thinking turned around and said, "OK". It's one of those vague responses I tend to do when I'm not concentrating or haven't heard properly and I'm too embarrassed to explain I'm deaf and didn't hear. What had I just committed to? Apparently the photographer had a cancellation and I'd agreed to fill it. PANIC!!! I immediately questioned how much it would cost, and was pleased to hear it was free. Where's the catch I thought, and asked...
Mum, civil servant, textile craft enthusiast.