This weekend was the first time I've been away overnight from my little boy. He's 8 months old today and it doesn't seem 8 months since he came into my life. Ages ago however, in my naivety, I thought at 8 months I wouldn't worry about leaving him, at 8 months he'd be sleeping through, and at 8 months he'd be happily taking a bottle of expressed milk. Guess how many of those things actually happened? None! To be fair perhaps I wasn't worried as such but I sure as hell felt lost without him and would have preferred to have him and my boyfriend with me for the weekend. In the week leading up to the trip I have expressed milk like it was going out of fashion. On the plus side I now have a freezer of milk, which as a friend said, is probably enough to feed the street! On the downside, increased expressing means my body thinks there's increased demand when there isn't. I planned for this and brought my breast pump with me and made sensible plan...
Mum, civil servant, textile craft enthusiast.